Atman builds F7 – a 7.2 MW IT power data center facility

Another colocation facility will expand Atman Data Center Warsaw-1. The F7 building will have dedicated power capacity of 7.2 MW for customers’ IT equipment only. The new server rooms of 2,916 sq. m are planned to be commissioned in February 2024.

As announced, we began a construction work in our data center campus at 21a Grochowska Street in Warsaw. The previous plans of two separate F7 and F8 colocation buildings had converted into one large construction of the F7 facility. We are putting it up right next to the F5 and F6 buildings, and they all are going to be connected by covered ramps.

IT power of 7.2 MW is guaranteed for the F7 building, 600 kW for each of the 12 data rooms. 

The new facility’s colocation space of 2,916 sq. m will expand the Atman Data Center Warsaw-1 capacity to almost 9,690 sq. m net. The total IT space of our data centers (at 3 locations) will then exceed 13,660 sq. m. 

The F7 building is expected to be commissioned in February 2024. 

Please follow the progress of our project in social media or on this very website.

(Article Source)